"I’m gonna try to make this without crying. Bri, thank you, you have helped me achieve so much in just one year. You helped me gain so much confidence in my dancing. I can do things now I thought would take me forever to do. You’ve taught me so much and I cannot thank you enough. From the tears to the snack parties to the laughing till we cry, this year has been unforgettable. You are an amazing teacher, choreographer, person, videographer, and makeup artist. You have impacted each and everyone of our lives in so many ways. I can tell you this 100% we are all so grateful. Even on the bad dance days, bad vibe days, and bad mood days, you continued to lighten the room. Your energy is always amazing and you never fail to bring a smile to our faces. We are forever thankful."
"First of all, thank you so much for all your hard work and dedication to the team. Your commitment doesn’t go unnoticed. We are so glad Nora has such a great coach and gets to learn from you. We are so excited for this season and even more for next!"
Dear Miss Bri,
"You are literally the kindest person I know. You have said some of the kindest things I’ve heard. When I grow older I don’t dream of being a famous singer or dancer, I dream of being like you- kind, energetic, and caring. I admire your Jojo Siwa like energy even though I know you are probably tired. You have helped us in so many ways. You have helped us improve in so many ways more than anybody else could. You are amazing, beautiful, talented, funny, crazy, and so much more. Happy Birthday to the most amazing teacher ever!"
"Miss Bri, I am so grateful for you. I would definitely not be where I am today as a dancer or as a person if it weren’t for you. You inspire me to be my best self everyday. Thank you so much for everything you do for me and the team. You truly are an amazing teacher, person, friend, and choreographer."
"Thank you for your patience with all our questions, I really appreciate it with this being our first dance competition season with this studio. Let me tell you, my daughter adores you and speaks so highly of you (which means a lot to a mom that she has a good influence around her life!) Keep being awesome!"
"You have made such a huge difference in my life this past year. Words cannot explain how thankful I am for you. You taught me how to turn (correctly hehe), believe in myself, and grow as a dancer. You always find a way to make class fun and are always a joy to be around."
"Bri gave my dancer just what she needed to want to stick with dance. More encouragement and she doesn’t play favorites."
"Miss Bri, you are such a positive influence on her and she has commented many times that you are helping her- she feels you have a lot of knowledge and values your feedback a lot."
"Thank you for always being one of my biggest supporters and acknowledging me and what I try to do as a dancer. I love you so much and I know I wouldn’t be this far along in my dance journey if I didn’t have you as my teacher. Thank you Miss Bri."
"Thank you for being an instructor who constantly pushes me to be the best version of myself. I am so thankful for all you are and all you do."
"I want to thank you. You have done so much for me and the whole team. You’ve helped us all grow so much. You’re truly the best teacher I’ve ever had. I cannot thank you enough for everything you do for us. You are such an amazing teacher. You continue to help us push through and grow in every single class. You are such an important person to all of us. If comparing me in the summer to now doesn’t convince you how good of a coach you are I don’t know what will. Your energy brightens up everyone’s day. From the laughing till we can’t breathe to the crying because we’re all injured- you make every single class fun no matter what. I will continue to try to make you proud every day. We love you so much Bri (nubby)<3"
"Thank you for taking time with my daughter again today! She just adores you. I think you could turn her into a star. She really responds to you. To see her progress over only a few months is crazy. We are so thankful for you. Thanks for always believing in my kids."
"Miss Bri you have forever changed my life. You have given me the opportunity to improve as a dancer and a person and I'm so very grateful that you are in my life."
"Miss Bri, you are an amazing instructor and role model for these girls. Alayna adores you, and she is pretty discerning with whom she puts love and trust into. As for us, Nicole and I think the world of you, appreciating your patience, flexibility, and compassion. Finally, we value your investment in making this a "team" in what could easily slip into individualized achievements."